– Siemann & Partner
is a legal partnership (according to German business partnership law) with its company headquarters in Hanover and an office in Munich. We work as trainers and coaches for the training of management personnel and teams and as consultants for the organizational development of businesses.
The trainers, coaches and consultants from have…
- substantial experience in business coaching and training
- personal experience as managers
- additional training qualification in at least one of the following: systematic consulting, transactional analysis, NLP, psychodrama, theme-centred interaction and group dynamics.
- Focus of experience in specific sectors, management concepts and training methods.
- their qualifications are strongly practice- and goal-orientated.
- a strong customer orientation
- a confident manner with great social and communicative strength.
Ulrike JasperRechtanwältin und Führungskräfte-Trainerin, Teamberatungen, Interkulturelle Beratung und Verhandlungsführung türkisch-englisch-deutsch |
Kirsten GeorgePädagogin, Personalentwicklung und Trainerin, Personalberatung, Teamleitertraining und Teamentwicklungsworkshop, Casemanagement |
Anke PrekopDipl. Sozialpädagogin, Industriekauffrau und Betriebswirtin, Führungskräfte-Trainerin und -coach, Mitarbeiterbefragungen, Teamleiter- und Teamberatung, Kundenorientierung, Gruppenmoderation |
Gaby WimmerDipl. Betriebswirtin, Trainerin und Coach, Interne- und externe Unternehmenskommunikation, Changemanagement, Führungskräfteentwicklung, Moderation von Großveranstaltungen |